

JUVIAGEL is intended to be used for the non-hormonal alleviation of vaginal dryness in women over 18 years of age. Increasing vaginal moisture may help maintain vaginal health in all women. Vaginal dryness is a common problem that many women have around and after the menopause as their body makes less estrogen. There may be other causes of vaginal dryness, e.g. gynecological surgery, hormonal imbalance, use of contraception, breastfeeding, childbirth, etc. The gel can be used for the topical treatment of any kind of vaginal dryness.

It is a clear, odorless, homogeneous gel with a pleasant silky feel. Free of fragrances, petroleum derivatives and hormones. Its use is recommended for women who cannot use or do not want to use hormonal vaginal products due to the risk of side effects.


Provides adequate moisture


Clinically tested

No side effects

Restores intimate comfort

They have already found solution

Unfortunately, for a long time I felt this almost unbearable, strong burning and itching feeling. It was really bad I felt like I had to scratch all the time. I tried several things available at the pharmacy, but they have not provide any comfort. Three days after I started with JUVIAGEL my symptoms have eased significantly and a few days later they completely disappeared!
I cannot tell the difference between before and after! Before, I was constantly burning, itching … When I started using JUVIAGEL it was a refreshment! And I noticed that I was also getting fewer infections, it certainly reset the balance in my vagina.

Magdolna, 54

I had this feeling that I would never get over the burning, itchy feeling that had existed for years. This feeling of constant discomfort. JUVIAGEL has changed all that, it was pleasant, cooling, no leaking and no marks on my underwear. It gave me reassurance that there is something that I can do to feel better.
I felt its positive effect after only two days. I was very happy with this product because it is really a burning problem. I am sure I would only recommend this to everyone! I will definitely use it in the future. I feel better as a woman!

Eva, 56

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